
We are continuously working on broadening our network of craftsmen. If you are a seamstress, a cobbler or any other person working on designing, mending and repairing any of the items we have on sale, feel free to contact us - maybe we can change the future together. If you are not one to fit the description but have any recommendations, within the EU, feel free to send us a possible option to get in contact. 
Any further questions? Feel free to reach out to service@theforms.de 

Currently, we have no open positions, but if you are interested feel free to reach out, for a fixed position or an internship. 


These actions are not ever going to be completed as they will and have to adapt over time, are ever-evolving. The standards of today are certainly not fitting for our tomorrow and what you read here might be different in a month, a week or even a day. For now, the focus is on doing our part and taking every step towards progress and new developments. The Forms is and will be open for discourse, to learn more about this topic. Choosing the right path and making good choices is something we want to work on together with you.  

The measures The Forms currently is able to take:  

1. Avoiding single-use plastics: in our office and our packaging

2. Usage of recycled papers and avoidance of too much paper in general 

3. Using sustainable packaging whenever and wherever possible – our approach is: the less packaging there is, the less packaging needs to be produced, recycled and discarded

4. Re-Using things and materials of all kinds wherever possible: 

a. Playing cards for tags – why produce and print new, when you already have something? 

b. Buy preloved technology instead of a new

c. Second-hand furniture – what we don’t already possess will be bought second hand

5. Use public transportation whenever possible in traveling 

6. Learn continuously from you, our surroundings and the industry best practices 

7. Don’t discard a damaged product: we will mend it, rework it and prepare it for another life  

8. Coming soon: Instead of asking you to pay for shipping, we provide you with the option to voluntarily donate the money to educate children further about sustainability

We can’t offer a sustainable and transparent supply chain, as we don’t produce anything. But if you want to know more about anything, we are trying to be as transparent as we can. 


Based on years of experience, education and research an authentication process has been developed. Every item on offer is carefully vetted before it is put up for sale by us. If a garment cannot be verified for certain, external contractors are consulted. In case of any further doubt, the product will not be seen on our website. 

We continuously improve our knowledge and adapt the authentication process, learn about new products, collections and alterations in product trademarks. 

In case, that even after our precise and in-depth product screening there has been made a mistake and we fell victim to a super fake, we will take back the item for a second in-depth screening. If the item will not pass the re-evaluation, we will take back the item and refund our customer. For this to apply the customer must be able to reliably showcase how and why the item is forged, based on an expert’s opinion and authentication process. Furthermore, the item must still be intact, as shown on our website and the tag must still be fixated on the product. 

slow fashion

we repair, mend, change and alter

Certain items have been loved thoroughly, lived without the proper care or have experienced damages. For bags like the Balenciaga City, a certain amount of roughness is part of the desired look but in other cases, it just prevents a second life. Especially while working with delicate fabrics, fringes, or embroideries a careful inspection is needed and will be done with expertise, as will any reparations in need. 

Due to our focus on high-quality garments, after screening for authenticity, items can be refurbished or in more drastic cases, slightly re-designed. This is one step we take to reduce the waste coming from the fashion industry. 

If alterations have been done to a garment on offer it will be marked: *reworked*. Any changes will be carried out by carefully selected craftsmen and – women, whom have been vetted and can look back at years of experience. 

Take care of your garment and of buying better.

sell to us

If you want to sell an item and feel like it is a match with our offering, quality and aesthetic, feel free to contact us over our Social Media or send us an E-Mail to: service@theforms.de 

Please include a picture of the item, tell us if you have an idea of a price and in which condition the product is. Our services in this matter are discreet and quick. 

We as a business generally do not take clothes under commission but are open to exceptions. If you have any further questions about this, feel to reach out to service@theforms.de 

If you have purchased a garment via The Forms, you can sell it back to us. Depending on the changed condition of the product we will make you an offer for the item. This offer can be either in monetary form or alternatively a store credit for The Forms.